
There are four basic services that a house must have, which are: electric light, fuel for cooking, drinking water and drainage; services that are currently provided to housing through public and private suppliers. With the premise of thermal comfort and rational water consumption, the Green Housing Assessment System gives a rating to those homes that have lower energy and water demand compared to a reference dwelling. Implementing a photovoltaic solar system and a rainwater collection system can reduce the consumption of light receipt by 67% and 20% in the receipt of water in existing housing. The population growth in Mexico is a variable that has been constant in going upwards without the global consumption of energy resources such as oil, coal and natural gas have remained in greater demand than the energy that comes from renewable resources as it is solar, biomass, wind, hydro, geothermal and sea energy. In Mexico, 757 hydrological basins have been defined, of which 108 of them no longer have the availability to provide the potable water resource. Through the active participation of the Colinas del Cimatario neighborhood together with the Municipality of Querétaro and the Josefa Vergara Hernández delegation, it is intended to draw an equitable pattern for the improvement of our homes and therefore give action and effect to our lifestyle. Keywords: Querétaro, Photovoltaic System, Passive Strategies, Water System, Wastewater Treatment Plant